Key Information

Laser experts

Dr. Saqib Bashir

Dr. Ai-Lean Chew


Lasers in use

Pulsed Dye

Intense Puled Light



Carbon Dioxide (Fractionated)

Nd:YAG (lipolysis/cellulite)


Patient feedback

High levels of satisfaction


Scar and Keloid Treatment

We have advanced expertise in the treatment of keloid, hypertrophic, acne and other scars.  Each case is unique in terms of the cause of the scar, the appearance and it's impact on the patient.   We receive may enquiries regarding scar treatment.  In almost all cases, we can recommend some treatment to improve matters, each tailored to the needs of that individual scar.  Private consultations for scar treatment can be at the London Clinic, King's College Hospital or the BMI Sloane Hospital.  

 Keloid scars

Keloid scars are defined as scar tissue which has grown beyond the area of the original injury.  They occur typically on the ears after piercings, the chest, shoulders and back after acne or for no clear reason.  Treatment of keloid scars includes:

  • Silicone gel
  • Pressure dressings (usually custom made prosthetics)
  • Steroid creams/dressings
  • Steroid injections into the scar (intralesional)
  • Laser treatment with the pulsed dye laser
  • Laser treatment with the CO2 laser
  • Surgical treatment (shaving or excising the scar)
  • Imiquimod cream
  • Cryotherapy

 At your visit, the appropriate options will be discussed with you and a treatment plan suggested, based on your scar, your skin type, practical considerations and what is most likely to work. 

We have extensive experience treating all kinds of keloids in all skin types and ethnicities.  From small scars the size of a pea, to scars larger than a fist, we have success in treating keloids with good long term results.  The important things to aim for are a reduction in pain and itch, and a reduction in the size and impact of the scar. 

Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are different from keloid scars.  These often occur after thyroid surgery on the neck and after a cardiac bypass on the chest (sternotomy scar) or from other surgical or traumatic reasons.  Under the microscope, the size of the collagen bundles is different from keloid scars (smaller collagen) and, looking at the scar, it does not usually extend beyond the confines of the original injury.  Treatment available is the same as for keloid scars, but usually much less intensive.  Good results are more readily obtained, compared to keloids. 

Pigmentation (colour change) in scars

Patients commonly come to the clinic concerned about colour changes in their scars.  Depending on the cause or type of scar, these can improve readily, but in some cases the colour change can be more difficult to fix.  The scars can be lighter or darker then your normal skin or a combination of both.  You will be carefully assessed in the clinic and options will be explored.  These can included bleaching creams to reduce excessive pigmentation, laser or a scecial type of skin grafting known as re-cell which can improve the colour of scars. 

Next steps....

If you would like to explore scar treatment, it is important to have a realistic idea of what is achievable.  Every patient is different, and whilst we can make general comments based on photographs emailed to us, the best advice is usually given when we see you in person.  You may wish to bring a friend or family member, if there is likely to be emotional upset when exploring the history of your scars.  We are very sensitive with each patient and respect your condifendiality. 

If you would like to book a consultation, or simply want to make a general enquiry without obligation, simply email using this link, or call the numbers given at the top of the page.